Tuition Payment Agreement
Tuition Payment Agreement
Please check one of the payment plans below for your account and mail or fax the signed agreement back to the college. The Bursar's office must receive payment on your account each month for your account to remain active. There is a fee of $75.00 to be reactivated once a student has become inactive due to non-payment or academic inactivity.
If you have been awarded scholarships or other financial assistance be sure to return the coupons back to the college so that your account will be credited properly. Remember scholarships do expire.
Southern Bible College & Seminary does not receive any federal funding nor does it participate in any student aid programs in the Department of Education therefore we do not issue 1098-T forms.
If you would like to make other arrangements please contact us via Email at
Circle your choice, sign and return this page to the Bursar's office.
Plan A - $75.00 Monthly
Plan B - $125.00 Monthly
Plan C - $225.00 Monthly
Plan D - I have made other arrangements with the Bursar's office. (
Tuition does not include textbooks, supplies, and other materials or seminar costs. Other incurred costs will be billed separately and are due upon receipt.
I have selected the plan checked above and I agree to making these tuition payments each month until my account is paid in full.
Student Signature ___________________________________________
Date __________________
Social Security Number ______________________
Please include your address and mailing information below:
Print out this page and mail to the school.
For Financial Questions:
Southern Bible College & Seminary is a 501(c)(3) religious educational institution.