General Information
Southern Bible College proposes to train students in and for Christian ministry. Race, class, or nationality offer no barrier. Further, students from various denominations may enjoy academic freedom and Christian fellowship.
Underlying the philosophy of the College & Seminary is the conviction that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of God's revelation of Himself to man. Consequently, a study of the Bible constitutes the most significant discipline for any person. The Bible, therefore, is the central integrating factor of the total curriculum and all truth ultimately is related to and unified by the revealed Word.
The distant education approach to earning a degree was developed due to the demanding need to offer to those, who because of schedule or geographical location, could not complete or expand their education through traditional learning. This approach offers professionally developed programs that accommodate the time and distance demands on the working professional.
It provides an opportunity for advancement without having to move to a campus setting. Southern Bible College & Seminary seeks to offer studies and symposiums for experienced professionals, building upon professional and personal competence through scholarly inquiry and constant improvement in the areas of ministerial and professional practice.
The mission of Southern Bible College & Seminary is "To make religious education and training accessible worldwide in the areas of Bible knowledge and skill development to non-resident learners through traditional and nontraditional methods." To provide symposiums and conduct research in the areas of Church and Pastoral ministry. To assist students, missionaries, pastors and those most in need.
Licensing and ordination are functions of a church or denomination. Since Southern Bible College & Seminary is not a church, it neither licenses nor ordains. If you seek licensure or ordination, you should speak with your pastor or with a representative of your denomination about the procedures, standards, training required, and any other requirements, since churches and denominations have different requirements for licensing and ordaining. If you wish to be licensed or ordained by a group outside your own denomination, you will need to contact that organization or denomination, you wish to minister with about their acceptance of our courses and graduation documents.
The programs of study offered through Southern Bible College & Seminary carry the similar requirements as other traditional programs. Distant educational students are required to meet standards equal to or even greater than those of traditional on campus students. This assures that the high standards of our educational programs are maintained. All programs offered through Southern Bible College & Seminary are analogous to traditional programs. We regularly monitor the external program's study materials as well as your individual progress in your program study. All programs of study are specifically designed for the busy person who needs a flexible and convenient schedule to meet the rigorous degree requirements.
Upon request you will be provided with information of bookstores by which you are able to order and purchase all textbooks and research materials required. You are encouraged to contact and establish a working relationship with your local academic libraries and resource centers. We recommend that you become familiar with nearby bookstores where you may order textbooks. If there's not a store near you we can order them for you, simply contact our bookstore via email at
Southern Bible College & Seminary conducts annual reviews by an independent review committees made up of clergy, educators, and other professionals. The school is constantly seeking to improve the quality of the institution in order to better meet the needs of its students. Southern Bible College & Seminary exists as a nonprofit Christian educational organization. Credits and or degrees earned from this school do not automatically qualify one to participate in professional licensing examinations in his or her state. Individuals interested in entering regulated professions should contact their local and state licensing boards for complete information. Any person interested in the transferability of credit from Southern Bible College & Seminary to another school should contact the Admissions Office of that school first because transferability is not guaranteed. Every campus designs coursework to reflect the integrity and quality of its own degrees/credentials and will want to honor that design in the review and evaluation of transfer work. Every attempt will be made to give students requesting credit transfer to Southern Bible College & Seminary a thorough appraisal related to their educational goals at the college. Students considering transfer to other colleges and Universities should consult with the registrar at those institutions concerning the courses completed at Southern Bible College & Seminary. Southern Bible College & Seminary does not receive any federal funding nor does it participate in the Department of Education student aid programs, therefore we do not issue 1098-T forms.
Southern Bible College fully protects the privacy of educational records, establishes the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and provides guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data.
The violation of the Ethical Standards of this Institution, or of federal, state, and local laws will result in disciplinary action. This action may range from temporary probation to permanent expulsion from the college. The director of the program of which the student is a participant will be responsible for the initiation of action against whom formal charges have been made. Student appeals must be made in writing to the president.
Soli Deo Gloria ( To God alone be the Glory) ·School colors are Royal Blue and White. ·"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15
FRESHMAN: 0-32 semester credit hours toward graduation.
SOPHMORE: 33-64 semester credit hours toward graduation.
JUNIOR: 65-96 semester credit hours toward graduation.
SENIOR: 97-128 semester credit hours toward graduation.