Doctoral Level Courses

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D-701 Systematic Theology 4.00

D-702 Anthropology (Study of Man) 4.00

D-703 Hamartiology (Study of Sin) 4.00

D-704 Soteriology (Study of Salvation) 4.00

D-705 Ecclesiology (The Church) 4.00

D-706 Eschatology (End Times) 4.00

D-707 Modern Cults Advanced 4.00

D-708 Pneumatology (Holy Spirit) 4.00

D-709 Hermeneutics (Interpretation of Scripture) 4.00

D-710 Biblical Archeology 4.00

D-711 Biblical Prophecy 4.00

D-712 Homiletics (Sermon Study and Delivery) 4.00

D-713 4.00

D-714 Dissertation (Assigned) ---

D-715 Advanced Pastoral Counseling 6.00

D-716 Research (Assigned) 6.00

D-717 Practicum * 6.00

D-718 Teaching Practicum* 6.00

D-719 Missions Practicum* 6.00

D-720 Therapy & Theology 4.00

D-721 Counseling and Guilt 4.00

D-722 Crisis Counseling 4.00

D-723 Counseling Practicum* 4.00

D-724 Counseling/Search for Meaning 4.00

D-725 Counseling/Self Control 4.00

D-726 Counseling the Sick 4.00

D-727 Mastering Counseling 4.00

D-728 Marriage Counseling 4.00

D-729 Counseling and Bereavement 4.00

D-730 Counseling and Divorce 4.00

D-731 Counseling Christian Workers 4.00

D-732 Counseling those with HIV 4.00

D-733 Counseling and Boundaries 4.00

D-734 Bibliology III 4.00

D-735 Advanced Dissertation (PH.D. only) ---

D-736 Thanatology II* (How death affects people) 4.00

D-737 Christian Psychology II 4.00

D-738 Music Research 4.00

D-739 Church Music 4.00

D-740 Music Program* 4.00

D-741 The Minister of Music 4.00

D-742 Pastoral Leadership 4.00

D-743 Pastoral Ministry* 4.00



D-746 Ministry Assignment ---

D-747 Min/Teaching Project ---

D-748 Min/Teaching Practicum ---

D-749 Social Psychology 4.00

D-750 Doctoral Dissertation 12.00

D-751 Directing Christian Education 4.00

D-752 Leadership & Coaching in Higher Education 4.00

D-753 Organization & Leadersip in Higher Education 4.00


*Clinical Assignments